
  • Updated

Role Required
To Create and Manage Physical Locations you need to be assigned to the Application Administrator or the Records Manager role. Alternatively, Record Visitors can be given the permission to Create and Manage Physical Locations through the use of Security Profiles. For more information on security profiles and permissions, see Security Profiles .


Locations allow you to define a hierarchical structure for the places where your physical assets are stored. This allows you to specify detailed and flexible locations for records, ensuring that you can easily locate your records.

Managing Locations

Creating a new location
  1. Under Manage in the left hand navigation pane, click Locations.

If your organization has not subscribed to the Records365 Physical Records module, then ‘Physical’ and ‘Locations’ will not be visible in the left navigation pane. If you believe your organization has subscribed, please contact support.

  1. Click the New Location button at the top left of the Location grid to create a new top-level Location.
  2. Click on the physical-location-chev.png icon to see lower level locations.
  3. Select a Location using the check box to create a New Child Location underneath it.
Editing an existing location

After a location has been created, any of the properties can be modified by using the below steps.

  1. Navigate to the Locations list
  2. Click the Title of the location that requires modification.
  3. Make the required changes and click the Save button.
Deprecating a location

Over time locations may no longer be fit for use and need to be deprecated, for example a warehouse may fill and can no longer accept any new assets to be stored. The location is still valid as it applies to all content already existing at the site, but is not to be used to store any additional material. Records365 provides the ability for locations to be deprecated by setting whether a location is available for tagging.

To change a locations ability for tagging

    1. Edit a location as outlined above
    2. Change the Available for tagging toggle as required. By default a location will be available for tagging.

    1. Click Save to commit the changes.

Locations that have been set to be not available for tagging are still visible to users, however those locations cannot be assigned to physical records unless it was assigned the location prior to the changing of the location Available for tagging value. Locations can be hierarchical by nature, by deprecating a top level location does not automatically deprecate all child locations.


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