When working with Physical assets, it is important to understand and track which records are contained within which folders, and which folders are within which boxes.
Assigning Containers to Physical Records
There is a special Field type available in your Physical Profiles that allows you to perform manual assignment of Containers to Physical Records. Once a ‘Relationship’ field has been added to your Profile(s) (see Manage Profile Fields for more details), you can populate this field when editing a Physical item as you would any other field. Currently, the only Relationship Type available is Parent.
The Relationship field performs a search for the container using the Record Number, and must be able to correctly find a result before you will be able to save your changes..
The following rules affect assigning containers for Physical Records:
- Boxes can contain any other record type: Records, Folders and Parts.
- Folders and Parts can only contain Records.
- Records cannot contain anything.
Once a container has been assigned using a Relationship field, you can navigate from a Parent to its Children using the ‘Records’ tab in the Record Details view:
The Parent field in the details tab also links to the parent Folder or Box: