
  • Updated

We recognize that working with large datasets requires the ability to switch context and view different details to contextualize and properly organize your records. To ensure the maximum amount of flexibility we are rolling out new functionality in all grids across Records 365. These new capabilities are available in the Disposal and Freeze Details pages.

Customizable Columns


You can adjust both the size and position of a column. 

To adjust the size of the column move your cursor along the headings until the hand symbol changes to arrows. Now adjust the size of column to the required length. 

To adjust the position of the columns in the grid, click on the heading of the column you want to move, click and drag to the position you require.




You can filter directly within supported grids.  Filtering may be applied on multiple columns at once, combining results across several properties to achieve more granular results. 

Columns supporting filters contain a magnifying glass icon. Hover the mouse pointer over the icon to display a drop-down list with the column’s available filter operations. 

Select the option you require and enter the search term in the text field. 



With the filter options moving within the grid we have also removed the slider activated by the spanner icon and the search text box in the top right of the pages.


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