Getting Started

  • Updated

Disposal is a key part of a Record’s lifecycle and properly controlled and defensible disposal is one of the primary goals for a compliant Records Management function.

Records365 leverages Rules and optionally the Classification Intelligence add-on to Classify your content and assign each Record the required Retention Schedule. This, in turn, dictates how and when Records should be Disposed.

Records or Aggregations?

With assignment of classification and retention at the record level, disposing at that level can often be the simplest option. However, disposing at the record level may not be the most effective or efficient option for your organization as your record estate grows.

Being able to dispose by aggregation, as opposed to record by record, allows your staff to carry out their processes in a more timely and cost efficient manner. Records365 supports the disposal at two levels, either at the record or the aggregation  level. Which means you can dispose of content at the level that makes most sense for your business.

By default record level disposals are enabled in your tenancy. To move to an aggregation based disposal approach, please contact support to have the feature enabled. Please note that at this stage aggregation based disposals cannot be performed in conjunction with record level disposals.

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