Role Required
To manage disposals, including sending records for Disposal Approval, users need to be a member of a Security Profile that includes the Manage Disposals action. See Security Profiles for more information.
Disposal in Records365 is managed in a few steps:
- Records Managers identify records that are due for disposal in the Unactioned view.
- The records are Actioned for disposal, either by direct approval from the Records Manager or by sending them to a separate Disposal Approver as required.
- Once approved for disposal, Records Managers execute the disposal of the records and the content is Destroyed in the relevant source system.
Unactioned View
The default view of the Disposal page is the Unactioned View, which provides a view of all items that have reached the end of their retention period and have not yet been actioned. Once items have been sent for Disposal Approval or directly disposed by a Records Manager, the items will no longer appear in this view.
Within the different views of the Disposal page, you can click on the Advanced Search drop-down at the top right of the page to perform powerful searches within the records due for disposal to assist working with large volumes of records to be disposed. The search experience is consistent with Advanced Search elsewhere in Records365 and allows searching on record properties from both Records365 and the content source. This then allows the expired items to be grouped together and actioned for approval or destruction accordingly.
Records will appear in this view 1 day after the date listed in the ‘Disposal Due’ field.
For smaller organizations or exceptional cases, approval by additional users may not be required for record disposal. In this case a Record Manager may wish to proceed to disposal without approval. When the approval step is skipped the user performing the Dispose operation will audited as the approver.
Role Required
To dispose without additional approval, users need to be a member of a Security Profile that includes the Approve Disposals action. As the disposing user will become the approver. See Security Profiles for more information.
- Select items to dispose and click on Dispose.
- Enter Disposal Comments and tick the check-box confirming that any physical records have been destroyed, then click ‘Save’. Disposal Comments are required to proceed with final disposal.
- A message will appear confirming that the Records have been submitted for Disposal.
The disposal action triggered will depend on the disposal action of the records selected – for example, Destroy.
Disposal of Records can take time to complete, so you might still see Records in the Disposal view for a short period of time. Once complete, the Record will be marked with the Previous Disposal Action, Date and Audit events for the Disposal will be generated.
Bulk Disposal
Bulk disposal is now available which means you can dispose of up to 500,000 items at a time. To access this use the Advanced Search feature from within the Disposal page and use the Dispose action.
Ensure you select the items that should be sent for disposal:
Actioned View
The actioned view revolves around tracking and managing outstanding approvals and disposals. Some common scenarios include:
- An item was sent for approval months ago and no action has been taken, how do I follow that up?
- What items have been rejected for disposal, and what reason was recorded, so that appropriate actions can be taken.
- As a Record Manager, I have been assigned items for approval, how do I see just my items.
- The Approver has left the organization, how do I send their items to someone else for approval?
The Actioned View provides a few features to help manage the scenarios described above.
Filtering and Sorting – Each item can be tracked by its Disposal Status throughout the disposal process, the available statuses are:
- Pending – Has been sent for approval, and has not been approved or rejected yet.
- Approved – Has been approved for disposal. The Approver column will display the user that approved it.
- Rejected – The item has been rejected for disposal, the reason can be found in the Quick Summary.
Other columns that may be useful to sort on in the Actioned View are:
- Last Approval Action – The date the Disposal Approval for an item was last actioned, which includes sending for approval. This may be helpful for triaging outstanding approvals.
- Approver – The email address of the user who approved/rejected the item for disposal. When multiple people have approved it, the last user is displayed in this column. When no value is present, it indicates that it has not been actioned for approval.
Quick Summary – To get a visual representation of an item throughout the disposal process flow there is a Quick Summary available for every item by clicking on the row in the results grid for that item. The quick summary will also show any comments for rejected items, all users listed as an approver for items pending approval and the Record Category (also known as Disposal Class) assigned to the item. If further information is required, the Title column is a click-able link through to the record details.
View – By default, the Actioned tab displays all items that have been sent for approval. Records Managers can also have items assigned to themselves for Disposal Approval, to filter down to just these items, use the ‘View’ icon at the top right of the results grid.
Send for Approval – Some items will need to be re-sent for approval – for example if an outstanding approval has taken too long, the approver has left the organization, or if rejected items have been re-mediated and are ready for disposal. ‘Send for Approval’ from the Actioned tab will reset the list of approvers for these items and re-send the disposal approval email.
Dispose – Approved items can be disposed using the ‘Dispose’ button. Enter disposal comments and confirm that any physical records have been destroyed, then click ‘Save’. When disposing items that are either in ‘Pending’ or ‘Rejected’ states, you will be recorded as the Disposal Approver.
Reschedule – Items waiting for Disposal can also be Rescheduled/Reclassified to another Record Category/Disposal Class. Please note that this may mean they are no longer eligible for disposal if they are rescheduled to a Record Category/Disposal Class with a different Retention Schedule.
Disposals View
After records have been sent for disposal, you can check the status by clicking the Details link on the Disposal Status column as shown here. Alternatively, you can click on the document and navigate to the Disposals view.
The Disposals view displays a range of information, such as:
- Disposal Status: In Progress, Completed or Failed.
- Record Information: Disposal Related information for your record.
- Events: A table with post disposal submission events. This allows greater visibility if there is a failure, as well as being able to track the progress of submissions.
RecordPoint is currently working on enhancing the platform to allow users to drill down into the status of all records sent for disposal (e.g., In Progress, Completed, or Failed). In the meantime, you can use the Advanced Search feature to check the status of records and determine whether their disposal has succeeded or failed. For records that have failed, you can find them either in the Disposal Failed tab or within the Disposal section of the record details.
When a record fails disposal, there may be various reasons. The first step is to review the reason for the failure, which can be found in the Disposal section of the record. Once the issue has been resolved, the Records Manager can retry the disposal from either the Disposal Failed page or the Disposal section of the record details.
Retrying Disposals
Due to the complex nature of disposals and all of the moving parts, like respecting holds or removing content in source systems, disposals can fail for a record.
- Click the Retry Disposal button from the Disposal View for a record. Note an Events section will be displayed in this view with all additional information.