Supported ROT Signals

  • Updated

RecordPoint contains predefined recognizers for Redundant, Obsolete or Trivial (ROT) data. This page describes the different ROT entities that RecordPoint can detect, and the method used to detect those.


Supported Connectors

All ROT signals* are currently supported on all connectors. 


*Please note, IsEmptyFile is an exception in that it is only supported on SharePoint Online, Exchange Online and  File Connect Enterprise.


Supported Signals

 Field name


Detail of ROT signal



File size equal to exactly 0B

filesize = 0

Empty files likely created due to corruption, incomplete file download


File size between 1B and 10B

Filesize between 1b and 10b

Small files likely created due to corruption


Archive or compressed file types

".a", ".ar", ".cpio", ".shar", ".LBR", ".iso", ".lbr", ".mar", ".sbx", ".tar", ".bz2", ".F", ".?XF", ".gz", ".lz", ".lz4", ".lzma", ".lzo", ".rz", ".sfark", ".sz", ".?Q?", "?Z?", ".xz", ".z", ".Z", ".zst", ".??_", ".7z", ".s7z", ".ace", ".afa", ".alz", ".apk", ".arc", ".ark", ".cdx", ".arj", ".b1", ".b6z", ".ba", ".bh", ".cab", ".car", ".cfs", ".cpt", ".dar", ".dd", ".dgc", ".dmg", ".ear", ".gca", ".genozip", ".ha", ".hki", ".ice", ".jar", ".kgb", ".lzh", ".lha", ".lzx", ".pak", ".partimg", ".paq6", ".pea", ".pim", ".pit", ".qda", ".rar", ".rk", ".sda", ".sea", ".sen", ".sfx", ".sit", ".sitx", ".sqx", ".tar.gz", ".tgz", ".tar.Z", ".tar.bz2", ".tbz2", ".tar.lz", ".tlz", ".tar.xz", ".txz", ".tar.zst", ".uc", ".uc0", ".uc2", ".ucn", ".ur2", ".ue2", ".uca", ".uha", ".war", ".wim", ".xar", ".xp3", ".yz1", ".zip", ".zipx", ".zoo", ".zpaq", ".zz", ".ecc", ".ecsbx", ".par", ".par2", ".rev"

Likely no value as records



System File extensions

".ade", ".adp", ".asa", ".ashx", ".asmx", ".asp", ".bas", ".bat", ".cdx", ".cer", ".chm", ".class", ".cmd", ".com", ".config", ".cnt", ".cpl", ".crt", ".csh", ".der", ".dll", ".exe", ".fxp", ".gadget", ".grp", ".hlp", ".hpj", ".hta", ".htr", ".htw", ".ida", ".idc", ".idq", ".ins", ".isp", ".its", ".jse", ".json", ".ksh", ".lnk", ".mad", ".maf", ".mag", ".mam", ".maq", ".mar", ".mas", ".mat", ".mau", ".mav", ".maw", ".mcf", ".mda", ".mdb", ".mde", ".mdt", ".mdw", ".mdz", ".ms-one-stub", ".msc", ".msh", ".msh1", ".msh1xml", ".msh2", ".msh2xml", ".mshxml", ".msi", ".msp", ".mst", ".ops", ".pcd", ".pif", ".pl", ".prf", ".prg", ".printer", ".ps1", ".ps1xml", ".ps2", ".ps2xml", ".psc1", ".psc2", ".pst", ".reg", ".rem", ".scf", ".scr", ".sct", ".shb", ".shs", ".shtm", ".shtml", ".soap", ".stm", ".svc", ".url", ".vb", ".vbe", ".vbs", ".vsix", ".ws", ".wsc", ".wsf", ".wsh", ".xamlx"

Likely no value as records



Temporary files created by applications


May no longer hold value



Templates for common Microsoft applications

".dot", ".dotx", ".dotm", ".xlt", ".xltx", ".xltm", ".pot", ".potx", ".potm"

Templates for Office applications



Items not modified date for 7 years or more

sourcelastmodifieddate greater than 7 years

Items older than 7 years - consider whether they are still of value as records

Uses core property field SourceLastModifiedDate


Unmodified file names

"document.docx", "book.xlsx", "presentation.ptx"

Files created and default file name not modified

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