Product Update: Bulk disposal of records

  • Updated

Now, you can effortlessly dispose of more than 30 records at a time, making the process faster and more convenient. This bulk disposal option is specifically designed for record level disposals. Bulk disposal at an aggregation level will be available in the platform soon and we will let users know when that becomes available.

Additionally, we've made improvements to the disposal approval feature, enabling you to handle more than 30 records simultaneously. This enhancement streamlines the approval process, saving you valuable time and effort.

Use the advanced search in the disposal screen to find the items you would like to bulk dispose of. Then simply select the records for disposal on the first page of your results. 


bulk disposal 1.png


You are then prompted with an action to confirm you want to bulk dispose all the items in that search result, so you can then proceed with final disposal.


bulk disposal 2 .png

You can learn more about record level disposal and approval here. 


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