Records365 allows you to transfer records as part of your retention schedule. Using this process, you can identify records that have completed their disposition period and need to be transferred to another organization, whether that be to an archival institution or a new organization. This article will outline how to add a Transfer action to your retention schedule and how to deal with a record that has completed its disposition period and is ready for transfer.
The Transfer action within Records365 does not perform the action of transferring the record to another location. Rather, the Transfer status identifies that the record is ready to be transferred in accordance with your retention schedule so that you can undertake your internal process as required.
Add transfers to your retention schedule
In order to transfer records using Records365, you must add a Transfer action to the retention schedule of the relevant disposal class in your file plan. To add a Transfer action, carry out the following steps in Records365:
1. On the dashboard select Manage File Plan > your relevant disposal class > Retention Schedule > + Add Disposition Phase
2. Under Add New Phase, add the necessary details from your retention schedule. From the first drop-down, select Transfer, define the time period from your retention schedule and the trigger event that will start the disposal clock ticking.
3. In both Add New Phase and the retention schedule select Save.
4. Select Yes to confirm the changes.
You have now successfully added a Transfer action to your disposal class.
Transfer records that have completed their disposition period
After you have configured a Transfer action, the transfer date will be automatically calculated as per the disposition period and trigger in the retention schedule.
1.Identifying records that are ready for transfer
Once a record meets the time frame and condition that were defined in the retention schedule (e.g. 3 days after Modification), it will appear under the Browse tab with the Next Action as Transfer and the double arrow icon shown below.
You can use Advanced Search to identify all records that have completed their disposition period and are ready for transfer. See the conditions below for an example of an Advanced Search that will show all records that are ready for transfer.
2. Export for transfer
Now that you have identified the records that are ready for transfer, you can prepare them for export. You can export the files using Records365 and then create a package to be sent to the receiving organization. Send the package to the receiving organization using your internal processes.
For Transfer actions you will need to transfer both the metadata and the record (binary) itself. How much metadata required depends on the receiving organization’s policies. If it’s an archival transfer, it is likely that all metadata is required. You can export your files as a VEO file which contains both the metadata and the binary in a Mime64 package, and can be easily separated into file and metadata upon downloading the export.
3. Confirm the transfer in Records365
Once you have completed the transfer and the receiving organization has acknowledged a successful change in custody, you can select the relevant records using Advanced Search and select the Transfer button shown below. This will confirm that the transfer has occurred in the Records365 audit log and will update the Next Action field.
Selecting Transfer will update the Previous Disposal action to Transfer and Previous Disposal Date to when the button was clicked. You can add Disposal Comments which will appear in the Details tab.
The audit log in the Audit tab will confirm that the record was transferred.
The Disposals tab will contain a record of the transfer details and a record in the Events table.
4. Retention or disposal
After the transfer has been confirmed in Records365, you can action the source documents in accordance with your policies. Some organizations destroy the records once the change in custody has been successful. Other organizations retain the records for a period of time. Either outcome can be achieved by rescheduling the relevant documents to a new and relevant disposal class.
Should you destroy the record after transfer, the Disposals tab and Events table will show a trail of both the record being Transferred and then Destroyed.